Look with Lorna

I love the word Hope. Not sure why but anytime I see something with Hope on it I have to buy it. I even had Morgan from Damaris write it on my finger nail the last time I had my nails done. So when Deanne started doing rugs with words on them I said ” you have to do hope”. Well to my surprise she did do the rug and then gave it to me. It now hangs in my living room and I just love it !

April 17, 2014 018




Look with Lorna

As the Olympics’ start so does the excitement of cheering on our athletes and watching all the events.

So here in the studio we thought to celebrate the games we would have the knitting Olympics. Each of us has picked out a pattern we want to knit, and we have to finish it by the time the games are over.

I am doing a hat and maybe a matching cowl depending on how the hat goes. Brenda is knitting a beautiful sweater which I hope she doesn’t like and may want to give it away to someone. (Hint, Hint)

Megan is doing a pair of mittens and Norma a sweater. Deanne is working on a blanket.

So if you have a project that has been waiting for you to finish, now is the perfect time to get it out, watch the games and cheer on your country, and cheer us on too.

Go Canada Go

Here are the yarns we will be using

Feb 7, 2014 022

Feb 7, 2014 006

Look with Lorna

Last May Deanne had just finished up a 3 day workshop when she decided to do some free drawing on some left over burlap. As soon as I saw this sunflower design I knew I had the perfect spot for it in my kitchen. So I decided to try my first rug hooking project and I promised a lady who was here taking the course that I would finish it and show her. Well here it is January and I am still only 3/4 done. So Sandra, a promise is a promise and I will finish my rug this week and have it on here to show you. And with a little luck maybe I can finish my first knitting project as well, fingerless mittens.

Lorna's Rug 006

Lorna's Rug 004

Lorna's Rug 002