just keeping it real – my hall closet

Yesterday at work we had a conversation about real life, and how sometimes on Facebook, blogs,  and the internet we are just shown the sweet side of a person’s life. I know , even here we write about what is cooking, what we are making, and all the lovely stuff that goes on. The other night, my son and his friend were talking about exactly the same thing, how on Facebook people always show what they want the world to see. It is natural enough. We are not going to put up pictures of under the cushions in our couch, unless we just cleaned it ….

I guess it is kinda like how we used to feel about Martha Stewart, or those fine decorating magazines, except now we feel it about half the people we know. We know about everyones trips, their activities, their birthdays, the parties they go to. It’s all on the blog.The pictures are on Facebook. No one ever takes pictures of their weeks worth of unfolded laundry. Maybe we need to. Maybe , we as women should take the pressure off each other a little.

For example, I have never shown you my messy hall closet that hangs over me. I have never told you that when I do not know what to do with something I just stuff it in there, throw it actually and shut the door. This hall closet is so stuffed I can no longer walk in there. It contains things from ten years ago that no one wants anymore. I never clean it, I just stuff it. That’s the truth.

So today on the blog I am telling you something about myself that is just as real as the books I write, and the rugs I make.

It is a confession of sorts.

It is an honest admission that all the pretty things you see here are filtered and that life goes on in every house much like it does in yours.

I am taking the heat off anyone who might be like me and  when they read a blog where everything is just hunky dory, and you think I wish they’d give me the whole perspective because here I am just getting the polished version and the polished version can make my life look slightly burnished.

We all know, at this age, that life is full of everything, not just the idyllic. I love my life, don’t get me wrong. I love what I do.

I like to be honest here, so I am using the hall closet pictures below, just so we both know that there is laundry, and dishes, and unswept floors, and cranky kids, and whining, and contrariness, and all the rest of it everywhere, and this we combine with beauty , love, depth, and honesty and together we all, each and everyone one of us, do all we can to make the best of it.

So  if all the whitewashing puts any pressure on you to be something different than you are, be assured you can create beauty everyday just by being yourself…

Just be yourself,  there is something so lovely about honesty,

Just keep it real…..





