Welcome Home

Something came over me this morning.

It was like a sudden wave and I had to act on it.

I saw a piece of art from Newfoundland and suddenly I wondered why I was not making houses and sea and sky.

Why had I stepped away from what I loved. From what motivated me from the very beginning.

Why shouldn’t I begin again.

With years of experience.

Start in a new place.

Honestly if I could have boarded a plane right that minute I would have been home.

Though I have two homes now, one was my beginning.

Suddenly I had a passion to start a rug that I haven’t felt in a long time.

A passion to speak what I know, what I knew.

And so it begins again.

The artist in me revisits.

House, sea and sky.

I have missed you.

Welcome Home.


5 thoughts on “Welcome Home

  1. Ah…what a lovely thought…so looking forward to seeing your special rug(s)…

    I have just finished one of three (yes, three…shame on me) unfinished projects…one large, one medium, and one small…I shall push through the other two, steam and bind them all…

    And then:

    I can design and hook something of my very own….have always wanted to do that, but have loved hooking rugs of others…I never had the confidence to design…

    Now I’m ready…I’ll just do it…rug hooking is so forgiving…I’ve finally learned that I don’t need to produce realistic, photo-like rugs…! About time…

    Thank you for inspiring my “sudden wave”…to “start in a new place”…



  2. 🙂

    On Sun, Jan 24, 2016 at 5:46 PM, WordPress.com wrote:

    > hookingrugs posted: “Something came over me this morning. It was like a > sudden wave and I had to act on it. I saw a piece of art from Newfoundland > and suddenly I wondered why I was not making houses and sea and sky. Why > had I stepped away from what I loved. From what” >


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