7 thoughts on “Kin by Lesley Crewe

  1. Just read “Kin”. I absolutely loved it. It kept me laughing, at times, and crying, at other times. Never has a book made me feel so emotionally involved with its characters. I’m definitely going to promote it in my book club.
    I bought it in a craft store on The Cabot Trail and the cover enticed me. The contents were equally enticing!


  2. The public library in Woodstock recently aquired KIN. The cover of course is eye catching. I hooked that picture Coastal Girls, a few years ago.Gave it to my niece, it now hangs on her wall on Casey Key Florida. To remind her of Girls week, an annual event. Another one of your great designs.


  3. I too have bought many books my the cover. The covers are always good.
    I’m also a sucker for Canadian content.

    Have you read “Exit Line” by Joan Barfoot a Canadian Author from London Ontario? An excellent read if you know people in a seniors homes. I was suprised I liked this book. The cover is not it’s best feature althought I have a love affair with red.


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