for the kindness you’ve shown


Recently  a neighbour thanks us for something that in most cases would go unnoticed. She said she liked to let people know when they had done something good.

Imagine if we took that approach with each other all the time. Picking apart the good in each other. Spending time thinking about the littlest things someone had done for you. It is so easy to fall into the other side, picking apart our faults.

Staying positive takes a community. We need to boost each other up . Mend things, create things, inspire each other to be better, stronger.

In a good marriage, we become more ourselves because we have the other person to give us some extra buoyancy. We stay afloat because someone is giving us that extra push. We sail because they give us room. A community is much the same. We live in community because we need each other. We thrive in that community because we are good to each other.

This week I will try to remember to pick apart the good in people.

One day a friend was listening to one community member complain about another. He said to the person complaining that the other person was ok. In fact he said, “I like them. I find them alright.”

The person complaining said, “You love everybody.” My friend responded, “Maybe but it isn’t easy.”

I loved this response. Just like I loved my neighbour’s desire to pick apart the good in people.

Nurture. Sow. Mend. Make.

Whether it is a garden, a rug, a relationship or a community, let ‘s make it beautiful.