Tea Cozy by Carol Bryson and the Radio Show

carol bryson

Carol  Bryson’s Tea Cozy Mat

Dear Diary, Today I hooked a cabbage. You can see part of it on our facebook page that I have just set up. If you are on facebook, you can like the page if you want.  I am using a picture from a seed catalog as my cabbage inspiration. It is harder then you would think to hook a good looking cabbage .  Most of today I spent working on our new catalog.  The majority of the designs are drawn, now I am putting together the extras for the catalog which is fun to do. It is like writing a little magazine.

I also did an interview for our radio show on CFTA, the local community Radio Station. We interviewed a local dairy farmer, Nick Van Vulpen. Our radio show is about getting to know our guests. It is called At the Kitchen Table, and we talk to people who inspire others by their life, their work, their attitude. Today’s guest was an easy talker and a good story teller. You can listen to our interviews in the CFTA Archives. The thing I learn from the show is that each person knows so much about what they do. The people we talk to are passionate about something. I always leave the interview room feeling that people are amazing and inspiring, so what better hobby could I find then that.

You know I could go around and collect stories about irritating people, but I find this way more fun. I guess you just gotta make your own good time. After today’s interview I know what a farmer does with his day, but I also know that he is part scientist, part carpenter, part businessman, and whole bunch of other things. The show, you see, really makes me listen. You have to pay close attention to what people are telling you, and I have found that I really like listening. I do so much talking at the studio, and here on the blog and in my teaching, you can forget what it is like to listen. In listening we settle in and we learn. To really hear another person’s story is just marvellous. Also when you are the listener, so much less is expected of you. It is a nice seat to be in.

The listener just receives really, a lovely story  to consider, to learn from, to comfort you. Today as I listened to Nick talk away about his experiences so comfortably, I felt really blessed to have the privilege just to listen.


5 thoughts on “Tea Cozy by Carol Bryson and the Radio Show

  1. Great Tea cozy! I hooked one several years ago, lined with wool and backed with felted wool…it truly keeps the pot hot all morning.


  2. Good morning this beautiful day in March,
    I love Carol Bryson’s Tea Cozy and I definitely want to try something like that as we use a Tea Pot Cozy everyday. Actually every time you post another rug picture, either one of yours, Deanne , or one of a guest , I want to try them all because they are so beautiful. I guess that’s because everything about your blog entries is so inspirational. I feel happy when I read your entries and view everything posted here. Thank-you once again, Deanne and have a nice day! And by the way , good luck with that cabbage !


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